Hyoho Niten Ichi Ryu Training Opportunities
The Hyoho Niten Ichi Ryū Dublin Kenyu Bu holds extended Yagai Keiko (outdoors practice) for 4-6 hrs the 2nd last Saturday of every month. Places for the extended Yagai Keiko are open to all, but are again very limited with only 6-8 slots open each month to those who show an aptitude and dedication to general training.
Anyone with a sincere desire to learn and train hard is welcome to train with us. We practice with the spirit and attitude of hard work imparted to us during out training with Kajiya Soke.
Iaido Classes
Classes in Iaido are held in three locations in Dublin:
- Monday: 8 - 10 pm at St. John Bosco Youth Centre, Davitt Road, Drimnagh, Dublin 12
- Wednesday: 8:15 - 10:15 pm - Iaido only: Nagle Rice Hall, Marino Institute of Education, Griffith Avenue, Dublin 9
- Saturday: 11 am - 12 pm Iaido only: The Ballybough Community, Youth & Sports Centre, 49 Ballybough Road, Ballybough, Dublin 3
The first class is free, and our beginners' course is €60 for three months training in as many of the classes as you wish to take.
Jodo Classes
- Monday: 8 - 10 pm at St. John Bosco Youth Centre, Davitt Road, Drimnagh, Dublin 12
- Thursday: 7 - 9pm at Saint Andrew's Presbyterian Church Hall, Blackrock.
If you'd like to train with us or are interested in learning more about Hyoho Niten Ichi Ryū Kenjutsu, Musō Jikiden Eishin-ryū or Shinto Muso Ryu / ZNKR jodo please feel free to contact us via info @ kenjutsu.ie